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Meilleur appareil photo Fujifilm

Vous vous demandez peut-être pourquoi je me suis senti obligé d'écrire tout un guide d'achat sur le meilleur appareil photo Fujifilm.

La vérité est que je photographie Fujifilm depuis des années, mais j'ai toujours du mal à comprendre leur gamme de produits !

Peut-être êtes-vous le même? Au moment d'écrire ces lignes, Fujifilm propose pas moins de 39 boîtiers d'appareils photo de la série X !

C'est bien beau, mais beaucoup d'entre eux non seulement se ressemblent, mais partagent également des capteurs et ont plusieurs fonctionnalités qui se chevauchent...

En plus de la philosophie d'amélioration continue de Fujifilm ("kaizen") consistant à fournir des mises à jour cohérentes du micrologiciel pour maintenir la compétitivité de leur gamme de produits existante, ils ont également l'habitude de sortir de nombreux appareils photo et accessoires chaque année !

Dans ce guide, j'ai tenté de réduire tout le bruit et de proposer mes recommandations sur les 9 meilleurs appareils photo Fuji en 2022.

Regardons de plus près.

Meilleur appareil photo Fujifilm en 2022

Image Produit Fonctionnalités
  • Excellent rapport qualité-prix
  • Performances rapides
  • Excellente qualité d'image
  • Polyvalent
  • Grande stabilisation d'image
  • Corps robuste de type DSLR
  • Prise en main ergonomique
  • Bouton tactile plume
  • Écran tactile LCD inclinable
  • Étanche
  • Multi-viseur hybride avancé
  • Qualité d'image incroyable
  • Écran tactile orienté vers l'avant
  • Abordable
  • Poche et léger
  • Excellentes performances en basse lumière
  • Excellent rapport qualité-prix
  • Autofocus incroyable
  • Excellente qualité d'image
  • Amélioration des performances en basse lumière
  • Facile à utiliser
  • Petit et léger
  • Abordable
  • Grand écran tactile
  • Design iconique
  • Qualité d'objectif incroyable
  • Viseur hybride
  • Taille compacte
  • Facile à utiliser
  • Excellente qualité d'image
  • Petit et léger
  • Bonne autonomie de la batterie
  • Qualité d'image incroyable
  • Détection de phase sur capteur
  • Corps résistant aux intempéries
  • Excellent viseur

1. Fujifilm X-T4

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Le choix des éditeurs

Taille : 132,5 x 92,8 x 58,8 mm (5,2 x 3,6 x 2,3 pouces)
Poids : 539 g (19 oz)
Capteur : X-Trans CMOS 4 et X-Processor 4
Mégapixels : 26

  • Corps ergonomique et résistant aux intempéries
  • Deux emplacements pour carte SD UHS-II
  • L'écran tactile inclinable se retourne et pivote à 180 degrés
  • Excellente mise au point automatique
  • Qualité d'image inégalée
  • Capacités de faible luminosité améliorées
  • Extrêmement personnalisable
  • Prise de vue continue jusqu'à 30 ips
  • EVF précis, fluide et très réactif
  • Amélioration de l'autonomie de la batterie
  • IBIS 5 axes
  • Options vidéo incroyables
  • Pas de GPS
  • Pas d'histogramme de couleur pendant la prise de vue

J'aimerais commencer par dire que le Fujifilm X-T4 (test) est le meilleur appareil photo sans miroir APS-C que Fujifilm ait jamais produit. Vraiment - il fait littéralement à peu près tout et le fait extraordinairement bien.

La photographie fixe est exquise. Le capteur X-Trans 4 est capable de recueillir beaucoup plus de lumière que le capteur du X-T2 ou de tout autre appareil photo sans miroir APS-C Fuji. L'appareil photo a maintenant une plage ISO de 80 à 51 200.

Comme on peut s'y attendre d'un appareil photo Fujifilm, les fichiers JPEG hors caméra du X-T4 ne nécessitent que peu ou pas de traitement, produisant des images fantastiques directement hors caméra tirs.

Si vous filmez en RAW, le capteur X-Trans 4 capture une quantité incroyable d'informations, laissant suffisamment de place pour retirer les hautes lumières et/ou récupérer les ombres dans Lightroom ou votre choix de logiciel d'édition.

L'autofocus du X-T4 s'est encore amélioré par rapport au X-T3 déjà capable - il ne cesse de s'améliorer. Intégrant un système AF hybride avec détection de contraste et de phase, il est ultra-rapide et constitue une amélioration significative par rapport aux générations précédentes.

De plus, le X-T4 dispose d'une stabilisation d'image sur 5 axes améliorant considérablement la réduction des secousses et la photographie en basse lumière. La capture à 30 ips en mode rafale est franchement dérisoire.

L'écran rotatif est idéal pour les vloggers et les fans de selfie | © Greg Cromie

Les images fixes ne sont pas le seul endroit où le Fujifilm X-T4 brille. Il y a beaucoup plus d'options vidéo que presque tous les autres appareils photo sans miroir et c'est incroyable de voir ce que ça donne.

Il enregistre des vidéos 4K à 60 ips, et les simulations de film Eterna et les nouvelles simulations de film Eterna Bleach Bypass sont idéales si vous ne pouvez pas prendre la peine d'étalonner vos images.

Grâce au nouvel écran LCD qui pivote à 180 degrés, il s'agit d'une caméra de vlogging idéale car il n'est plus nécessaire d'avoir un moniteur externe pour pouvoir se voir.

Deux emplacements pour carte mémoire acceptant les cartes SD UHS-II les plus rapides renforcent vraiment la position du X-T4 en tant qu'appareil photo pour les professionnels sérieux . La sauvegarde intégrée à l'appareil photo est à peu près une nécessité pour les photographes de mariage et toute autre personne qui a besoin de créer un niveau de redondance pour ses images sur le terrain.

Il n'y a presque rien que cet appareil photo ne fasse pas bien. Il est suffisamment petit pour la photographie de voyage et de rue, suffisamment de haute qualité pour les paysages et les portraits, et imbattable pour la vidéo et le vlogging.

Avec le bon objectif Fujinon, le Fujifilm X-T4 fera à peu près tout ce dont vous avez besoin.

Fujifilm X-T4 + Fujifilm XF 16mm f/2.8 | © Greg Cromie

Bien sûr, le X-T4 n'est pas sans au moins une limitation :sa capacité d'éclairage à bas niveau n'égalera jamais celle d'un appareil photo plein format. (Pas de surprise.)

Fondamentalement, si vous pouvez vous le permettre, le Fuji X-T4 est un appareil photo presque parfait qui offre le meilleur mélange de taille, de prix et de qualité pour les appareils photo sans miroir Fuji. J'ai même connu des gens qui abandonnaient leurs pleins cadres pour ce petit gars.

Si vous recherchez une distance focale maximale, une profondeur de champ ou de meilleures performances en basse lumière, vous devrez probablement investir davantage dans un appareil photo à capteur plein format. Pour tous les autres, le Fujifilm X-T4 est le meilleur appareil photo sans miroir disponible dans la gamme.

À qui s'adresse le Fujifilm X-T4 ?

Si vous recherchez le meilleur appareil photo sans miroir polyvalent Fuji a à offrir, le Fujifilm X-T4 est votre homme. Croyez-moi, c'est sans aucun doute le plus grand appareil photo phare de Fuji - celui-ci est la crème de la génération actuelle des appareils photo à capteur Fuji APS-C.

La mise à niveau ou non de la génération précédente dépendra de ce que vous en faites. Pour la photographie de rue et de voyage, par exemple, il ressemblera probablement encore beaucoup au X-T3.

Pour la photographie sportive et d'autres besoins de mise au point automatique rapide/prise de vue continue, optez pour le Fuji X-T4.

Et pour la vidéo… juste wow. Grâce au nouvel écran LCD basculant et aux simulations de film, le X-T4 est définitivement la voie à suivre pour un tireur hybride qui a besoin de prendre des images fixes de qualité professionnelle, puis d'une simple pression sur un interrupteur, d'enregistrer une vidéo de qualité broadcast. images .

De plus, si vous recherchez un appareil photo incroyablement performant avec IBIS, le X-T4 sera un excellent choix.

Pourquoi devriez-vous acheter Le Fujifilm X-T4 est un appareil photo à tout faire qui défie le besoin de plein format. Le meilleur polyvalent de Fujifilm.

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2. Fujifilm X-H1

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Le choix des éditeurs

Taille : 139,8 x 97,3 x 85,5 mm (5,5 x 3,8 x 3,4 pouces)
Poids : 673 g (23,7 oz)
Capteur : X-Trans CMOS III et X-Processor Pro
Mégapixels : 24

  • Stabilisateur d'image intégré
  • Corps ergonomique et résistant aux intempéries
  • Deux emplacements pour carte SD UHS-II
  • Déclencheur tactile plume
  • Écran tactile réactif
  • Réduction du scintillement
  • Tons de peau incroyables
  • Grand corps idéal pour les grands verres/mains
  • L'autofocus n'est pas aussi rapide que le X-T4
  • Options vidéo limitées

Le Fujifilm X-H1 (test) était le seul appareil photo Fujifilm de la série X à proposer IBIS. Cependant, le X-T4 inclut désormais IBIS, ce qui en fait une option incroyablement attrayante. Quoi qu'il en soit, il existe un certain nombre de raisons de manipulation pour vous faire choisir ce corps un peu plus grand.

Tout d'abord, le Fuji X-H1 est un appareil photo plus costaud. Ce n'est pas massif comme un reflex numérique plein format - c'est juste un peu plus gros. Cela en fait une bien meilleure adéquation avec les objectifs plus longs/plus lourds.

Grâce à l'espace supplémentaire sur le corps, les boutons AFL et AEL se sentent mieux que sur tout autre appareil photo de la série X. La taille accrue de la poignée fonctionne également mieux pour ceux qui ont de plus grandes mains - c'est l'un des rares appareils photo sans miroir qui ne me fait pas manquer l'ergonomie de mes reflex numériques.

Bien sûr, avec la taille accrue, vous obtenez également plus de poids. Pour certains, ce sera un inconvénient, cependant, le poids accru par rapport à un reflex numérique n'est rien et le X-H1 se sentira fantastique dans la main.

L'IBIS du X-H1 fonctionne incroyablement bien, donc si vous photographiez principalement à main levée avec des objectifs non stabilisés, cet appareil photo Fuji polyvalent est un choix évident. Cela rend également la prise de vue à main levée dans des situations de faible éclairage beaucoup plus facile à gérer.

L'utilisation d'IBIS pour permettre des niveaux ISO inférieurs sur un appareil photo à capteur APS-C est un gros avantage - vous pouvez prendre des photos à main levée à des vitesses d'obturation beaucoup plus lentes que vous ne le feriez autrement, ce qui signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire d'augmenter l'ISO pour obtenir un tir net en basse lumière.

Tout droit sorti de l'appareil photo JPEG avec le Fujifilm X-H1 + Fujifilm 16mm f/1.4 | 1 s f/7.1 ISO100 | © Marc Condon

Le X-H1 a une réduction de scintillement. C'est un sérieux avantage pour tous ceux qui utilisent un éclairage fluorescent, au mercure ou mixte - les photographes de mariage, prenez-en note !

Une autre raison est le déclencheur tactile du X-H1, nouveau dans la gamme Fuji. Il faut un certain temps pour s'y habituer, mais une fois que vous le faites, l'obturateur de tous les autres appareils photo semblera lent. Vraiment, le "toucher plume" n'est pas une exagération ici - le moindre contact avec le bouton et votre photo est prise.

Comme avec tous les appareils photo Fuji, la science des couleurs est incroyable. Pour toutes les photos avec des personnes, les tons de peau sont tout simplement incroyables avec le X-H1. Ce n'est peut-être pas assez vif pour les paysages ou les photos de nature, mais pour les portraits, c'est absolument magnifique.

La vidéo sur le Fuji X-H1, cependant, ne se rapproche pas vraiment du X-T4. L'ancien processeur du X-H1 ne suit tout simplement pas certaines des nouvelles fonctionnalités, bien que les mises à jour du micrologiciel fassent une énorme différence.

Ma femme utilise le Fujifilm X-H1 + Fujifilm 16mm f/1.4 - c'est certainement l'un des appareils photo sans miroir les plus volumineux.

L'engagement de Fuji envers sa formule « Kaizen » d'améliorations continues se voit vraiment et signifie que vous pouvez conserver le même boîtier d'appareil photo pendant plusieurs années sans avoir besoin d'une mise à jour matérielle.

Une autre différence avec le X-T4 est que Fuji a remplacé le cadran de compensation d'exposition qui se trouverait normalement au-dessus de l'appareil photo par un sous-moniteur. Si vous êtes habitué à ce que le cadran d'exposition soit là, cela vous irritera probablement au début. D'autres, j'en suis sûr, trouveront probablement l'écran secondaire utile - il a également fière allure lorsqu'il est rétro-éclairé.

Pourtant, c'est un appareil photo dont beaucoup de gens tombent amoureux. Si vous avez un style de prise de vue plus lent et plus doux (c'est-à-dire que vous ne filmez pas d'action et/ou que vous avez besoin d'une mise au point automatique ultra-rapide), vous pourriez vraiment apprécier le style et la sensation uniques du Fujifilm X-H1.

Assurez-vous simplement de faire les mises à jour du micrologiciel - elles font une énorme différence dans les performances de cet appareil photo.

À qui s'adresse le Fujifilm X-H1 ?

Le Fujifilm X-H1 n'est désormais que l'un des deux modèles de la série X avec stabilisation d'image intégrée, donc si vous avez besoin de pouvoir prendre des photos à main levée dans des conditions de faible éclairage, c'est l'appareil photo qu'il vous faut.

C'est également un excellent choix pour ceux qui sont habitués au poids et au poids d'un reflex numérique, qui ont de plus grandes mains ou qui aiment tout simplement l'équilibre qu'un appareil photo plus charnu apporte à des objectifs plus grands/plus lourds.

Personnellement, j'ai de grandes mains et j'ai trouvé la transition d'un boîtier DSLR à un plus petit sans miroir un peu ennuyeux, surtout sans l'utilisation d'une poignée d'appareil photo. Cependant, avec le X-H1, je me sens comme chez moi.

Le X-H1 pourrait également être fait pour vous si vous faites des styles de photographie plus lents - portrait, paysage, architecture, macro, etc. Il est assez différent de ses autres cousins ​​de la série X et se démarque du lot par sa robustesse et son ergonomie pratique.

La réduction du scintillement du X-H1 pourrait également être un facteur décisif pour ceux qui font beaucoup de prises de vue en intérieur :être capable d'éviter les "bandes" redoutées lors de la prise de vue en lumière artificielle est un énorme gain de temps.

Évitez le X-H1 si vous êtes un photographe d'action, à la recherche d'un appareil photo plus léger et plus compact, ou si vous avez besoin d'options vidéo haut de gamme.

Pourquoi devriez-vous acheter Le Fujifilm X-H1 est un monstre IBIS à faible luminosité avec une conception robuste et ergonomique et un processeur qui pousse le capteur Fujifilm X-Trans à ses limites.

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3. Fujifilm X-Pro3

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Le choix des éditeurs

Taille : (L) 140,5 mm × (H) 82,8 mm × (P) 46,1 mm / (L) 5,5 pouces × (H) 3,3 pouces × (P) 1,8 pouces
Poids : 497g / 17.5oz
Capteur : X-Trans™* CMOS IV et X-Processor Pro
Mégapixels : 26.1

  • Viseur hybride avancé
  • Qualité de viseur inégalée
  • Écran rabattable
  • Deuxième moniteur secondaire pour la simulation de film et les données de prise de vue
  • Excellente qualité d'image
  • Construction métallique résistante aux intempéries
  • Excellente qualité de fabrication
  • Étanchéité contre les intempéries
  • Magnifiques extraits de films
  • Amélioration des performances de la batterie
  • Excellent marteau de secours
  • Le curseur ISO est mal placé
  • L'écran LCD caché n'est pas pour tout le monde

Le Fujifilm X-Pro3 (test) est l'un des derniers appareils photo de la série X de Fuji (2019) et perpétue la réputation positive de la série X-Pro. Son style et sa construction sont conçus pour imiter la sensation de la photographie argentique. De plus, il essaie de forger une relation plus étroite entre l'appareil photo et l'expérience de prise de vue.

Pour ceux qui n'ont jamais filmé auparavant, la principale différence que vous trouverez entre le Fujifilm X-Pro3 et les autres appareils photo de la série X est le viseur hybride . Le seul autre appareil photo à en disposer est la série X-100, y compris le tout nouveau Fuji X-100V.

Le Fuji X-Pro3 avec son viseur hybride unique vous offre une expérience de télémètre à l'ancienne.

Le X-Pro3 est le seul appareil photo à objectif interchangeable au monde qui intègre à la fois un viseur optique et un viseur électrique, avec trois options différentes.

Le viseur électronique, qui est d'env. OLED de 3,69 millions de points, fonctionne comme le viseur sans miroir standard, affichant l'image et les informations LCD.

Comme vous vous en doutez, le viseur optique affiche le monde réel avec un écran LCD superposé pour vous montrer les paramètres clés de l'appareil photo. Une nouvelle fonctionnalité de ceci est la possibilité de voir à l'avance comment l'image de différents objectifs de focale serait cadrée.

L'option hybride du viseur intelligent consiste à avoir l'écran optique complet, puis dans le coin inférieur droit, un petit écran LCD apparaît pour vous montrer l'image dans l'image. Vous utilisez autant la vue en direct avec un écran LCD que vous pouvez vous assurer que la balance des blancs, l'ISO et d'autres paramètres sont optimaux.

Avoir toute la scène dans le viseur du X-Pro3 vous permet vraiment de capturer l'action au bon moment. Je ne peux pas vous dire à quel point c'est cool - vous devez l'essayer par vous-même.

Surtout si vous êtes un photographe sportif, un photojournaliste ou un photographe animalier, vous ne voudrez peut-être honnêtement jamais revenir aux écrans LCD uniquement des séries X-E ou X-T.

Le Fuji X-Pro3 a un style vraiment unique et rétro. L'écran LCD est caché et vous avez un accès constant au sous-moniteur pour la simulation de film et les données de prise de vue.

En ce qui concerne la qualité d'image, le X-Pro3 utilise la dernière technologie de Fujifilm pour fournir des images exquises quelles que soient les conditions d'éclairage. Il abrite le tout nouveau Fujifilm X-Processor Pro et le dernier capteur d'image CMOS X-Trans IV.

Alors qu'un capteur recadré comme celui-ci peut ne pas être en mesure de fournir les images très détaillées d'un capteur plein format, le Fuji X-Pro3 fonctionne admirablement, ce qui fait que beaucoup s'interrogent sur la nécessité de passer au plein format.

En ce qui concerne la vidéo, le Fuji X-pro 3 a amélioré sa version précédente car il prend en charge la vidéo 4K complète jusqu'à 29,97p. Bien qu'il ne soit pas commercialisé comme le modèle phare de Fuji pour la vidéo, le X-Pro 3 produit une qualité vidéo exceptionnelle, en particulier avec la simulation de film Eterna relativement récente.

Le style et le design de la série X-Pro ont toujours été à l'honneur grâce à son télémètre et son esthétique rétro. C'est un superbe appareil photo qui ajoute quelque chose de spécial à votre expérience de prise de vue, de nombreux premiers observateurs pensant qu'il s'agit d'un appareil photo argentique.

Le Fuji X-Pro3 a une qualité de construction incroyable avec un cadre en magnésium solide ainsi que des plaques supérieures et de base en titane. Vous pourriez sérieusement enfoncer un clou dans du bois avec cet appareil photo. The standard version is black and has a very stealthy look to it making it perfect for street photography. Two additional variations including Duratech Black and Duratech Silver have a special Titanium coating that is scratch resistant.

Who is the Fujifilm X-Pro3 for?

The Fuji X-Pro-3 is the latest flagship camera meaning that it will suit advanced amateurs and professionals. The biggest attraction to this camera will be the outstanding image quality, retro styling and the unique hybrid viewfinder. The key difference between selecting this camera and the new X-100V is that the X-Pro-3 has interchangeable lenses.

If you love the look and feel of old school film cameras with retro styling, then this camera will give you all of that plus the latest state of the art digital technology Fujifilm can muster. It is the best of both worlds and will deliver exceptional image quality through a full range of in-camera features and functions.

Why You Should Buy A true design classic, with amazing optical performance and a one-of-a-kind hybrid viewfinder.

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4. Fujifilm X-T200

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: 121.0(W) mm x 83.7 (H) mm x 55.1(D) mm / 4.8 in.(W) x 3.3 in. (H) x 2.2 in. (D)
Weight: 370 g (13 oz.)
Sensor: APS-C CMOS
Megapixels: 24.2

  • Simple menu and camera controls
  • Physical dials, despite the size
  • Great autofocus
  • Improved handgrip
  • Pas cher
  • Pocketable size
  • Facile à utiliser
  • Built-in EVF
  • Tilting touchscreen
  • Excellente qualité d'image
  • 4K video @ 29 fps
  • Not a good fit for larger hands
  • Sluggish in general

The Fujifilm X-T200 (review) is a super-compact entry-level mirrorless designed to appeal to mobile phone users who want to enter photography – much like the X-A7.

Unlike the less expensive X-A7, the X-T200 has a built-in electronic viewfinder and has more advanced settings, allowing for greater creative control.

It’s actually Fuji’s least expensive X-series camera that includes an electronic viewfinder – most photographers I know prefer having a viewfinder to compose their images, especially in strong sunlight.

It comes with a 3-way tilt touch screen, improved video ability with 4K at 29.97P for up to 15 minutes – making this a brilliant camera for vloggers.

This upgraded version from the original X-T100 has a new and improved grip making it far easier to hold – especially for those of us with bigger hands.

The Fuji X-T200 about half the weight of many of the more advanced X-series cameras. In fact, the Fujifilm X-T200 is downright tiny but still manages to feature a decent 3 inch tilting touchscreen.

Talking of the screen, a key feature for all the vloggers out there is the ability to flip the screen to the front. This means that when combined with a wide-angle lens, the Fujifilm X-T200 can be used to film yourself at arm’s length – fortunately, there’s also an external 3.5mm mic input, HDMI and USB-C connectors.

The huge 16:9 ratio touch screen allows for full menu control as well as a simple icon menu system that will be appealing to smartphone photographers.

As expected on a Fujifilm camera, the X-T200’s images come out sharp and detailed . The image sensor is vastly improved over the previous X-T100 model resulting in greater low light performance. The colours and tonality are the expected Fuji-beautiful, and the film simulation mode is a lot of fun. The sensor works beautifully, and the camera itself is a miniature beauty in its own right – I love the graphite/black colourway.

Unfortunately, the kit lens that often comes with the X-T200 is sluggish on the focus. However, you have a huge range of cheap primes and zooms available. If you’ve never worked with interchangeable lenses before and wanted to try it out, this is a great place to start.

In terms of shooting performance, it’s clear that this is Fuji’s entry-level option – autofocus speed is sluggish, as is the camera operation in general.

However, it has to be said that if you’re coming straight into the Fujifilm system and this is your first experience outside of a smartphone, you probably won’t notice any of the slowness – it’s only when you start to compare to the more expensive cameras in their lineup that you’ll see the difference.

If you’re looking for a hassle-free entry-level mirrorless camera that can be had for less than 700 bucks, you can’t wrong with the Fujifilm X-T200. The front-flip LCD screen is also unique on an inter-changeable camera at this price point.

Who is the Fujifilm X-T200 for?

The X-T200 is the perfect first camera for someone new to photography or wanting to step up from smartphone photography. It’s simple to operate, yet offers room to grow into more advanced creative control. It also happens to be the Fuji’s least expensive interchangeable lens mirrorless with a built-in viewfinder.

If you’ve got a limited budget, the X-T200 is the cheapest way to take advantage of all the amazing Fujinon lenses, not to mention those film simulation modes that have made Fujifilm cameras so desirable.

It’s also a great second camera for the pro or advanced amateur when they don’t want to lug around all their heavier gear – just be aware that there’s only one card slot.

Why You Should Buy An inexpensive and fun camera for getting started with the wonderful world of Fujifilm film simulations and X-series lenses.

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5. Fujifilm X-T30

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: 118.4 x 82.8 x 41.4 mm (4.7 x 3.3 x 1.6 in.)
Weight: 383 g (13.5 oz.)
Sensor: APS-C X-Trans CMOS III
Megapixels: 26.1

  • Feature-packed compact camera
  • 425-point phase-detect autofocus system
  • Excellent face detection capabilities
  • The same sensor as the X-T3, but at a much lower price
  • Small and light
  • 4K video
  • No IBIS
  • Viewfinder not designed for those who wear glasses
  • Can only shoot 10 minutes of video at a time

The Fujifilm X-T30 (review) is essentially a smaller, lighter version of the X-T3. It uses the same processor, same phase-detection system, and even the same frame rate capability. If you’re wanting the X-T3 or X-T4 but can’t afford it, this is definitely the camera to buy.

The Fuji X-T30 has the same styling as the retro X-T3 and also features the same sensor and processor.

It also makes a great backup body to the X-T3 or X-T4, but remember, there’s only one card slot. If Fujifilm had provided a dual card slot, I don’t see any real reason that professionals would keep buying the X-T3 over this little pocket-rocket.

In fact, the X-T30 has enhanced face detection and eye-tracking. You can now choose the face that you want to lock on to, which is great when shooting crowds of people when you need to hone in on just one subject.

It also has a few additional functions designed to cater to the less professional photographer (i.e. Advanced SR Auto, etc.). Also, the Fujifilm X-T30 is somewhat smaller, which will be a big plus to travel photographers.

The only real trade-offs for going with the X-T30 are a limited buffer, fewer body controls (it’s a smaller camera), no weather-proofing and only one card slot. Otherwise, it’s essentially the same camera as far as still photography is concerned.

Video is really the only place where you might be disappointed with the Fujifilm X-T30’s performance, and that’s primarily because you’re limited to 10-minute clips. (I suspect this is because the camera’s so small – it would probably overheat if it went longer.)

Still, during those 10 minutes, it can record 8-bit 4:2:0 video direct to the SD card or 10-bit 4:2:2 video to an external recorder. That gives you plenty of post-processing leeway.

It also comes with the Eterna film simulation, for those who don’t want to spend time colour grading – Eterna gives a soft, muted look to the overall image, making it particularly suited for skin tones.

Eterna has actually been one of the most compelling reasons for videographers to use the newer Fujifilm cameras that offer it – the flat, low-saturation look offers more flexibility for post-production, but also looks beautiful straight out of the camera.

For photographers, Eterna can be applied to stills on the Fujifilm X-T30 too, offering a truly unique look to the final JPEG – somewhere between Classic Chrome and ProNeg Std. I like to use it in the early morning (blue hour) when shooting outside.

Overall, considering the X-T30 retails for a full $500-$600 less than the X-T3, you’re getting an amazing camera. If you want the exceptional performance and features of the X-T4 but don’t have the cash, the X-T3o is really your best bet.

Who is the Fujifilm X-T30 for?

The Fujifilm X-T30 is for those who want the quality of the X-T3 or X-T4, but don’t want to fork out the cash.

Amateurs, hobbyists and pros will all love this camera. Basically, it’s for everyone who doesn’t need the features of a full-frame, wants top-of-the-line features otherwise and is looking to spend less than $1,000.

In my mind, it’s only the hardened professional who absolutely needs a weather-proof body with dual card slots, who would pay the extra to get the X-T3 or X-T4.

The Fujifilm X-T30 is an absolute bargain of a camera – this much technology packed into such a stylish body at an affordable price is a true rarity, but Fujifilm has managed to accomplish it.

Why You Should Buy The Fujifilm X-T30 features flagship technology in a smaller, less expensive package. Best bang for the buck Fujifilm camera of the year.

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6. Fujifilm X-A7

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Size: 119.0(W) mm x 67.7 (H) mm x 41.1(D) mm / 4.7 in.(W) x 2.7 in. (H) x 1.6 in. (D)
Weight: 320 g (11 oz.)
Sensor: APS-C CMOS
Megapixels: 24.2

  • Sharp, top-quality images
  • Great colour and tonal reproduction
  • Front-flip LCD screen
  • Facile à utiliser
  • Compact
  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Face/eye detection focus
  • Sluggish autofocus with kit lens
  • No electronic viewfinder
  • Awkward to use

If you’re looking to make your first foray into the world of mirrorless cameras and don’t want to spend a lot of money, the Fujifilm X-A7 (review) is a great choice. Plus, over its previous incarnations, the Fuji X-A7 has had some serious upgrades.

Its large sensor and interchangeable X-series lens system open up a whole world of photography beyond the smartphone, without being too complex for novice users.

As one of Fuji’s least expensive X-series mirrorless cameras , the Fujifilm X-A7 doesn’t have a viewfinder, but the simplified, user-friendly controls paired with its exceptional image quality make it a great entry-level camera.

The X-A7 features a large 16:9 ration LCD touch screen that can face the front – perfect for filming yourself vlogging, or for that all-important selfie-shot – there are even in-camera selfie settings that help you look your best!

Leave it on Auto to take advantage of its excellent point-and-shoot capacities, or delve into its manual controls and get more creative.

Either way, the Fujifilm X-A7 is an excellent camera for first-timers or smartphone shooters who are looking to go deeper into the world of photography.

The Fujifilm X-A7 is a great entry-level interchangeable lens camera.

Fortunately, the autofocus on the X-A7 has been greatly enhanced thanks to its new sensor and processor. However, the included kit lens is terribly sluggish to the detriment of the performance of the camera. If you find it too slow, then I’d recommend buying the body only and pairing it with a better zoom lens, or investing into a fast prime.

It’s also a good idea to invest in a better lens if you’re wanting to do a lot of low-light photography. With the new sensor, low light performance has greatly improved on this camera – noise is less of an issue when shooting at higher ISO.

As far as video is concerned, the full HD video quality is high-quality. This has been boosted to shoot a respectable 4K video at 29 fps making this a perfect camera for vlogging or for holiday videos.

Overall though, the Fujifilm X-A7 is an impressive little camera for beginners (see guide) that’ll slide into your jacket pocket with ease.

It takes great photos (both Raw and Jpeg), is available in a range of colours (the fake-leather accents are a nice touch), and offers a low-priced entry-point to the great X-mount Fujinon lenses.

The Fuji X-A7 features a huge 16:9 ratio touch screen with simple icon menu controls

Who is the Fujifilm X-A7 for?

The Fujifilm X-A7 is perfect for those who are looking to upgrade from their smartphones and explore the interchangeable lens world.

It’s beginner-friendly , won’t break the bank, and allows you to invest in X-series lenses while upping your game on an easy-to-learn camera.

The styling is also clearly aimed at the fashion-conscious vlogger, with good looking fake-leather side panelling that elevates the camera above plasticky point and shoots.

Why You Should Buy The Fujifilm X-A7 is the perfect step up from a smartphone for photographers wanting a no-nonsense point and shoot.

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7. Fujifilm X100V

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: (W) 128.0mm × (H) 74.8mm × (D) 53.3mm /(W) 5.04in × (H) 2.94in × (D) 2.10in
Weight: 478g / 16.9oz
Sensor: X-Trans™* CMOS IV &X-Processor Pro
Megapixels: 26.1

  • Awesome hybrid viewfinder
  • A new sharp, fast lens
  • The latest X-Trans IV sensor
  • Highly customizable
  • In-lens ND filter
  • Compact, beautiful design
  • Inconspicuous styling
  • 17 film simulations
  • Poor grip
  • No dual card slot
  • Limited weather sealing

Since its launch in 2010, the X100 series has seen a tremendous rise in popularity, culminating with this, the fifth generation Fujifilm X100V (review). And it is fair to say that this is the best of the best.

I’ve owned previous generations, and have always been impressed by the image quality produced by its fixed 23mm (35mm equivalent) f/2 lens combined with Fujifilm’s acclaimed X-Trans APS-C CMOS sensor.

Auto-focus was never a strong point for earlier iterations, but with the V model using the new faster 23mm f/2 Version II lens autofocus is incredibly fast. ,

Fujifilm has created an incredibly versatile , high-quality rangefinder camera that oozes style. Forget the over-priced ‘red dot’ cameras out there – this little number beats them hands down in the aesthetic design stakes.

Whether you take advantage of the hybrid viewfinder or not (which allows you to choose from a conventional optical viewfinder with an electronic overlay or an electronic viewfinder), shooting with the Fujifilm X100V is an utter joy for street, documentary and travel.

The X100V features numerous improvements and refinements over previous models, including the powerful third-generation 26.1 MP X-Trans CMOS IV sensor, X-Processor Pro image processor, smart button layout with joystick AF control , Built-In ISO dial, new film simulations, new lens and more.

If you shoot single-point AF mode like I do, having a joystick or joypad to manually control the AF point is an absolute must.

The refresh rate and clarity of the EVF are incredible, making the EVF seem even more like you’re looking from an OVF.

A continuous shooting mode up to 11 fps combined with a larger buffer and improved AF system means that the Fujifilm X100V can keep up with fast-moving action too… although I’d never call this a camera for sports photography by any stretch.

I particularly enjoy the X100V due to the limitations imposed by its fixed lens – despite all the amazing Fujinon X-mount lenses available, I sometimes prefer the simplicity of having a camera with no lens options… and thanks to the incredible sharpness/contrast of the built-in new 23mm f/2 II, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.

The built-in ND filter is also a great touch, and something I find myself using it a fair bit when shooting the kids out in the broad daylight – it’s nice to still be able to get a shallow depth of field with that gorgeous f/2 lens.

We haven’t mentioned the aesthetics of the camera yet, but it goes without saying that this is one gorgeous camera to look at and to hold. The retro-rangefinder inspired styling is a sure hit for any photographer and is sure to attract some compliments.

(If you want to go a step further with some customisations, check out our article on accessories for the Fujifilm X100 cameras.)

Overall, I highly recommend this camera, whether you’re a professional or a beginner. The Fujifilm X100V is a fantastic all-round camera that’s perfect as an everyday workaround or even used to earn money as a pro photographer – just remember there’s only one card slot.

Who is the Fujifilm X100V for?

The tack-sharp lens, the professional image quality, and the no-hassle compact-size make the Fujifilm X100V the perfect everyday carry camera for the dedicated photographer.

It’s a particularly convenient pocket camera for travel, street, or documentary photography.

If you’re looking for a Fuji camera that can shoot beautiful straight-out-of-camera JPEGS, as well as competent RAWs, but don’t have time for multiple lenses, this is definitely the camera for you. It also happens to be an absolute joy to use.

Why You Should Buy The Fujifilm X100V is the perfect pocket camera for uncomplicated family, travel, and documentary shooting. My favourite of the bunch.

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8. Fujifilm XF10

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: 112.5 x 64.4 x 41.0 mm (4.4 x 2.5 x 1.6 in.)
Weight: 278.9 g (9.8 oz.)
Sensor: APS-C CMOS
Megapixels: 24.2

  • Excellent image quality, especially JPEG
  • Excellent lens performance
  • Low noise at high ISOs (RAW and JPEG)
  • Beautiful colours
  • Surprisingly good battery life
  • Super-compact
  • Touchscreen
  • Great value
  • 4K/15p video, not a serious feature
  • Buffer fills quickly when shooting RAW bursts
  • Slow autofocus
  • Shallow grip

The Fujifilm XF10 is a high-performing, minimum-fuss point-and-shoot camera that’s perfect for travel if you want a step up in quality from your smartphone.

It comes with a fixed 18.5mm f/2.8 (28mm equivalent) wide-angle lens that is optimized for its 24.2-megapixel APS-C sized sensor.

Even though I’m a fan of shooting at 35mm, I find 28mm a welcome break, and perhaps even better suited for travel photography, allowing you to get more in the frame.

The main reason to upgrade from a smartphone to the Fujifilm XF10 is sensor size – the APS-C CMOS sensor inside the XF10 is a full 14 times larger than the sensor inside conventional smartphones.

Combined with the impressively fast f/2.8 wide-angle lens, the low-light and depth-of-field performance of this little pocket camera far exceed anything even the best smartphones can do… yes, even Portrait mode on your fancy new iPhone!

A quick word on the latest smartphone background-blurring features – it’s definitely a step in the right direction, but it’s still just A.I. making the tweaks – it’s definitely not foolproof, and sometimes produces rather odd results, where the background looks like a painting.

Compared to the size of an iPhone 7, it’s easy to see why the Fujifilm X-F10 is so popular with travellers.

It’s hard to mark the Fujifilm XF10 down for all the features that it’s missing, like a tilting or vari-angle rear screen, viewfinder, image stabilization, etc., since it’s not meant to be that kind of camera. Think of it as a luxury point-and-shoot.

What the Fujifilm XF10 does do, it does superbly. The natural skin tones and beautiful colour reproduction are worth it just in themselves.

The 18.5mm fixed lens provides outstanding detail and sharpness . It’s wide enough to get more context, but not so wide that it brings in elements of distortion. Overall, it’s just a superb little travel camera that’ll slide into your back pocket.

As mentioned before, I love the limitations a fixed-lens system imposes – there’s no ‘temptation’ to bring every other lens you own, and you’re forced to improve, shooting the same focal length constantly, until you can visualise the scene before even lifting the camera to your eye.

Another bonus is that the XF10 is super-easy to use. The 3″ touchscreen operates just like a smartphone , responding to pinch and zoom, drag, and swipe gestures. The controls are so simple, in fact, most can operate it easily with just one hand.

On top of this, the XF10 weighs just 279g (9.8 oz). (Smartphones are generally between 160-200g.) It’s also much less expensive than other premium point-and-shoots on the market in 2022.

So if you travel a lot or simply want a lightweight camera that outperforms your smartphone, you’ll want to take a serious look at the Fujifilm XF10. Its slim size, sharp wide-angle lens, and excellent image quality make it one of the best pocket-camera options in this price range.

Who is the Fujifilm XF10 for?

The Fujifilm XF10 is a top-quality pocket camera for smartphone upgraders. Its slim design, excellent performance, super-sharp wide-angle lens, and smartphone-like controls make it the perfect first step up for those who do lots of street and travel photography.

It does have its limitations, but that’s to be expected for an inexpensive point and shoot camera that’s not trying to shoot up there next to the big boys – the XF10 has created its own niche in the pocket camera market, and it’s currently dominating it very well.

Why You Should Buy The Fujifilm XF10 is a minimum fuss point-and-shoot camera with all the gorgeous Fujifilm film stock simulations, that slips easily into your back pocket.

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9. Fujifilm GFX 50R

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: 160.7 x 96.5 x 66.4 mm (6.3 x 3.8 x 2.6 in.)
Weight: 775 g (27.3 oz.)
Sensor: 43.8mm x 32.9mm Bayer array
Megapixels: 51.4

  • Out of this world image quality
  • Great handling
  • Excellent price for a modern medium format digital camera
  • Endless customization ability
  • Weather sealing
  • Excellent EVF
  • Relatively slow autofocus
  • Slow continuous shooting speed
  • Not great at video
  • Shallow grip

Most often used in fashion and advertising, medium format cameras used to be out of reach for most photographers. Many can run up to over $40,000 for the camera body alone.

At the end of 2016, Fujifilm came out with one of the first mirrorless medium-format cameras ever:the Fujifilm GFX 50S, which I reviewed here.

Pricewise it finally brought medium-format cameras into the range of the enthusiast, while offering portability not generally seen in these high-end cameras.

The newer Fujifilm GFX 50R is a lighter, less expensive version of the 50S, with almost everything else the same.

Roughly the size of a DSLR, the GFX 50R (review) combines the incredible image-capturing performance of a medium format camera, the handheld familiarity of a DSLR, and the irresistible film-like design we all know and love in a Fujifilm camera.

In short, it’s something of a revelation in the camera industry and has photographers from every other brand looking over to the Fujifilm camp with envy…

Crazy shallow depth of field from the Fujifilm GFX + 110mm f/2 GR | 1/200 f/2 ISO500.

Like its older brother, the Fuji GFX 50R has a 51 mp sensor that is 70% larger than a full-frame camera’s. That means it provides exceptional imagining performance – sharpness, colour reproduction, ISO range, and noise performance are far better than even the best full-frame camera in 2022.

The fall-off from in-focus to out-of-focus on the GFX 50R is just incredible – pairing it with one of the fast Fujinon GF lenses will leave your jaw on the flow when you see your images on a high-quality photography monitor.

In addition, the dynamic range is great too. The high-resolution files provide seemingly endless editing flexibility, even in JPEG images.

The shutter speed is also pretty impressive – 1/16000 when using the electronic shutter.

Because of its smaller, lighter build, the Fujifilm GFX 50R is more portable than the standard medium format cameras and can be used for wedding, documentary and even street photography.

It’s also weather-sealed , which further enforces Fujfilm’s desire for photographers to take this one out of the studio.

I could go on about the look and feel of the GFX 50R, but if you’re familiar with Fuji cameras it won’t surprise you that particular attention has been paid to everything from the composition of the operation dials to the clicking sensation and sound.

It’s a beautiful camera to hold and work with, although the limited grip will make you nervous at times – particularly in cold weather when shooting with gloves.

Don’t expect the Fujifilm GFX 50R to function like an APS-C or full-frame camera. It’s very different, especially in terms of depth of field. The depth of field on a medium format is considerably shallower than APS-C or a 35mm full-frame, and it can take some practice getting everything in focus.

Also, don’t expect to be doing much video on this camera. Today’s medium format cameras still don’t have what it takes for being good at shooting video, and the Fuji GFX 50R is no exception. If you’re buying this camera, it’ll be for the exceptional stills it can create, not its video.

Another thing to keep in mind if you’re not used to medium format cameras is that the autofocus system on the GFX 50R is somewhat slower than what we’re used to on smaller frame cameras.

The GFX features incredible dynamic range | 45mm f/2.8 GR | 1/125 f/2.8 ISO100

There are also much fewer lens options out there for Fuji’s medium-format cameras, although the roadmap does promise some interesting options for the future.

That being said, if you’ve been wanting to try out a medium format camera and haven’t been able to afford one, the Fujifilm GFX 50R is really the best option out there.

It’s $1,000 less than the 50S and about $2,000 less than the Hasselbad X1D, its most direct competitor. Depending on which lens you buy, a GFX 50R setup can cost half as much as a similar X1D kit.

This isn’t a camera for the casual photographer or for those needing fast autofocus or a super light camera. Instead, it’s for those that crave the super high resolution, stunning image quality, and the medium-format “look.” The GFX 50R will perform best in slow, deliberate environments like the studio or on a landscape photographer’s tripod.

It may look like a giant rangefinder, but this isn’t a camera you’ll be doing run and gun style street photography with, even though it’s definitely tempting!

If you want to elevate the look of your photos with a bit of the elusive medium-format-magic, this is a great place to start. It’s not “cheap” by any stretch, but its $5,500 price tag puts it far more in the reach of the enthusiast than ever before.

Who is the Fujifilm GFX 50R for?

The Fujifilm GFX 50R is for serious photographers looking for the exceptional image quality of a medium format camera.

It’s especially great for commercial fashion and advertising photography where every megapixel counts, but as the GFX 50R is impressively portable, it can also be taken off the tripod and used for wedding, portraiture, and even street photography – just don’t expect lightning-fast shooting performance.

If you told me that medium format digital cameras would be in the reach of non-professional photographers in 2022, I’d never have believed you. Fujifilm has made this possible.

Why You Should Buy If you’ve got the money, don’t even think about it. The Fujifilm GFX 50R offers the absolute best image quality out of a camera this size.

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10. Fujifilm GFX 100

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Le choix des éditeurs

Size: 156.2mm (W) × 163.6mm (H) × 102.9mm (D) / 6.15in. (W) × 6.44in. (H) × 4.05in. (D)
Weight: 1,400g / 49.4oz.
Sensor: 43.8mm x 32.9mm Bayer
Megapixels: 102

  • Insane image quality
  • Great handling
  • Excellent price for a modern medium format digital camera
  • Great customization ability
  • Weather sealing
  • Interchangeable EVF
  • Price of a new car
  • Slow continuous shooting speed
  • Massive body
  • Poorly designed thumb rest

When you first see and pick up the Fujifilm GFX100 you are almost immediately intimidated by its size. With the appearance of a Fuji X-T4 with a battery grip, it still holds that true Fuji retro design.

This truly is a beast of a camera and for good reason, as it’s sporting a whopping 102-megapixel sensor.

At the end of 2016, Fujifilm came out with one of the first mirrorless medium-format cameras ever:the Fujifilm GFX 50S, which I reviewed here.

Before long the rumours of Fuji’s continued pursuit into medium format camera were circulating, that a 100-megapixel camera was on the way. This generated a lot of excitement amongst fashion and portrait photographers who were already enjoying the other GFX cameras and lenses.

Price-wise the GFX100 is by no means an impulse-buy kind of purchase. Coming in at the same price as a new, small compact car you really have to be serious about return on investment.

In terms of its size, this is around the size of a big pro-level DSLR, if not bigger. The GFX100 produces images with insane levels of detail thanks to its exceptional image capturing performance, all within a familiar Fuji retro body packed full of features.

Basically, this is a rare beast in the photography world and is the envy of every camera manufacturer that Fuji was able to bring to market such an incredible camera.

Thanks to the massive 102-megapixel sensor, far larger than a full-frame camera sensor, the GFX100 is producing exceptional image performance across all aspects including sharpness, colour science, low light performance and noise management like no other camera.

You will not believe your eyes when you see the quality of images either on a quality monitor or even printed out in the large format. Thanks to an exceptional range of Fujinon GF lense, you have the ability to achieve incredible fall off from the in-focus to out of focus elements.

In addition, the dynamic range is great too. The high-resolution files provide seemingly endless editing flexibility, even in JPEG images.

The GFX100 boasts an impressive shutter speed of 1/4000 in mechanical and 1/6000 in the electronic shutter.

Despite its size, the GFX100 is still a relatively portable camera and would perform exceptionally well in wedding and portrait photography. Thanks to its comprehensive weather sealing, you will not hesitate to get out and about with this camera to capture gorgeous images not just in the studio setting.

The build quality of this GFX camera is outstanding with a retro feel that in no way compromises ergonomics and handling. Due to its size, the GFX100 has a built-in handgrip that houses dual batteries and provides additional controls for portrait orientation shooting. Whilst a heavy beast of a camera, it’s still very easy to work with and the interchangeable EVF provides flexibility in how you operate the camera.

Control dials and buttons have been sensibly placed to ensure ease of use and familiarity of control and there are terminal ports for studio shooting or for videography built-in.

Whilst not the most practical camera for video, most medium-format cameras are ineffective at video, the GFX100 does shoot 4K at 30p which is pretty respectable.

When it comes to autofocus, the GFX100 has vastly improved over the previous GFX models as the hybrid autofocus system performs at a similar capacity to a Fuji mirrorless camera. Face and eye detect operate as expected and overall the focusing system is fast and sharp.

Thankfully, the Fujinon GFX lens range is growing with 7 primes and 3 zooms available, with more promised in the near future. There are also much fewer lens options out there for Fuji’s medium-format cameras, although the roadmap does promise some interesting options for the future.

When it comes to price, the GFX100 is up there with the best of them, although not nearly as expensive as some of those red-dot medium format cameras. And none of them has the capacity to create such high details images nor boast a 102-megapixel sensor.

Traditionally medium-format cameras have been developed for slower and more intentional shooting conditions such as being in a studio or setting up a cracker of a landscape shot. However, the GFX100 seems to break from the class with its faster autofocus and relative portability. There is no reason why you could not employ this camera for weddings, events or even dare I say street photography.

If you are looking at medium-format as a serious next step in your pro photography, the GFX100 is an incredible option to have as you will be creating images with world-class levels of detail and dynamic range.

But keep in mind that it is either this or a new car!

Who is the Fujifilm GFX100 for?

The Fujifilm GFX100 is a camera designed for serious photographers looking for the exceptional image quality from a medium format camera.

If you work in a commercial photography business that covers fashion, models and advertising, then having the capacity to capture such highly detailed images will set you apart from the rest with the GFX100.

And as mentioned, there is no reason why you cannot take this camera out and about for use in every setting and genre. Imagine being able to capture astrophotography with a 102-megapixel sensor?

Why You Should Buy Mind-blowing image quality in a robust body that’s not much bigger than a flagship DSLR. Insane detail allows for huge prints or extreme cropping.

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How to Edit Fujifilm Images

For some reason, not a lot of photographers know about a piece of software called Capture One Pro Fujifilm 12 – a powerful image editor that’s tailored for Fuji camera owners.

Aside from all the core features of Capture One Pro, this software also includes the ability to view/edit all the Fujifilm Film Simulations that you know and love.

In addition, all the Fujifilm colours and tones (whether RAW or JPEG) are reproduced more faithfully in Capture One Pro Fujifilm 12 than in Adobe Lightroom, for example.

There are a couple of ways to buy the software – one is a subscription plan, the other is to buy it outright. Fortunately, both versions are on sale at a 50% discount right now – check out our review of Capture One 12 for more information.

My Recommendations

If you want a short version of the reviews below, here are my suggestions of what Fujifilm X camera body to invest in:

Want the best all-round Fuji camera in 2022? Get the Fujifilm X-T4. It’s a real multi-purpose body, with a sensor and features to keep up with full-frame cameras.

What if you want the X-T4… but can’t afford it?! Get the Fujifilm X-T30 – amazing bang for the buck, and a baby version of its big brother. Most of the best features, for a lot less money.

Want a camera you can just grab and shoot with minimal fuss? Get the Fujifilm X100V. It’s what I use as an everyday walk-around, or when I’m travelling and want something compact. The new fixed lens is exquisite and offers welcome simplicity in a world of lens options.

Want the best Fuji camera for vlogging? While all the Fuji cameras offer great video recording, it’s the X-T200 that offers that all-important front-facing screen.

Want the absolute best image quality without sacrificing size? The Fujifilm GFX100 is the camera if you have deep pockets and a thirst for insane IQ.

Realistically though, investing in any Fujifilm camera containing the legendary X-Trans sensor will set you up for a lifetime of great photography and a truly unique shooting experience.

Foire aux questions

Are Fujifilm Cameras good for photography?

Fujifilm has created an impressive lineup of cameras that use the latest technology to deliver outstanding results. While the two giants of the camera scene – Nikon and Canon – still have legions of dedicated fans, many photographers have been making the switch to Fujifilm without regrets.

Is Fujifilm good for video?

Yes – generally speaking, Fuji cameras offer excellent video recording capabilities. The Fujifilm X-T200 is a great one for YouTubers as it is light and also has a front-facing screen.

Which Fuji camera is best?

The best Fuji camera for you will depend on your needs. For the best all-around Fujifilm camera, our top pick is the Fujifilm X-T4. For travel, we love the Fujifilm X100V. If you’re after a small and lightweight point-and-shoot, we’d go with the Fujifilm XF10.

Where are Fujifilm cameras made?

The majority of Fujifilm cameras and lenses are made and manufactured in Japan.

Best Fuji Cameras | Derniers mots

This was an especially difficult guide to write. The fact of the matter is, every single Fuji camera on the market in 2022 could be a great choice for you.

The Fuji X series has cemented itself with its high quality, feature-packed, aesthetically pleasing, well-built, and above all, enjoyable to shoot a range of cameras.

Throw in Fujifilm’s years of experience creating some of the world’s finest film stocks, and you have a camera that can shoot in film emulation modes that would make any keen Instagrammer do cartwheels!

In this guide, I’ve selected what I believe are the 9 best Fujifilm cameras – the best bang for your buck, despite the presence of newer models.

Hopefully, by seeing them all laid out in this one guide, you’ll be able to make an educated decision on which Fuji camera should have pride of place in your bag.

Now get out there and start shooting;-)
